
Voucher Opportunity 7: Long Duration Energy Storage (LDES) Technology Acceleration (Coming Soon!)



This voucher opportunity seeks to provide LDES technology innovators, including vendors and manufacturers, with services such as market assessment support, business plan formulation, technical modeling or analysis, testing, performance validation, and commercialization strategy support from providers to advance non-hydrogen storage electricity-in/ electricity-out LDES technology. Providers may include national labs, consulting firms, nonprofits, and technology testing centers.

Vouchers will be distributed as in-kind support, meaning that ENERGYWERX will directly reimburse the voucher provider for the work they have completed on behalf of the voucher recipients. The value of each voucher will depend on the services defined in the Providers’ capability statements, with estimated values of support services per recipient ranging from $50k to $150k.

More information about the opportunity is coming soon, with Provider Applications planned to open at the end of April.

As numerous Voucher Opportunities are being offered/planned, an Overview pages has been created to explain how Vouchers are utilized by Providers and Recipients. Please visit Voucher Opportunities for details.


Event Updates

Important Dates

Opportunity Announcement

Objective Strategic Session

Information "Office Hours" Session(s)

Submission Deadline(s)

Process Details


Resources from Webinar(s)

Coming soon.

Slide Deck(s)

Coming soon.


Coming soon.

Video Recording(s)

Coming soon.

Webinar Q&As

Coming soon.

Eligibility & Review Criteria

Frequently Asked Questions


Quick Links